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コメント (53)

I hate who ever is considering that shutting down face book is nice its NOT!

I have a Bill Reid screen-print cloth banner (Tsimshian Raven Screen) from the event, retrieved by a friend who was helping with the de-construction of Habitat, and given to me by another friend in the 1980s. I didn’t attend the event as I only moved to Vancouver in 1977. The banner wasn’t well looked after before it was given to me and had a bit of staining and one or two small holes, but I’ve had it professionally conserved and it looks really very good. I’m happy for you to use an image of it if you would like to.Kind regards,Jane

Boza Bogdanovic - JA SAM KRIV, A NE UBICE?!Brutalno prebijanje osnovca u poznim nocnim satima je potreslo i iz temelja uzdrmalo ceo Bor, a najvise njegovu porodicu. Nekoliko desetina clanaka u raznim medijima sa nekoliko stotina komentara, ukljucujuci i moje. Vidi na Google: > Pretraga (upisati: Bor).Skoro svi komentatori su zestoko osudili tu vest, medjutim jedan od njih nije?! Zato saljem sva tri komentara, koje je objavio Studio B na clanak: “Suspendovani policajci zbog smrti osnovca”. Citaoci neka prosude, ko je od nas dvojice u pravu. Studio B i Danas su objavili repliku. PRVI KOMENTAR: U svim medijima je objavljena vest da su policajci bili svo vreme na nekoliko metara, ali da nisu reagovali. Iz borskog SUP-a kazu da nisu videli zbog ograde od trske sta se desava. Ne u momentu, vec u tih 600 sekundi, prosto neverovatno. Mnogi se cude u svojim komentarima i javno pitaju zasto policajci nisu sprecili brutalno prebijanje pok. Milana. Nisu u pravu. Specijalci iz Interventne jedinice su radili svoj posao, kanalisanje prodaje droge. Niko im od pretpostavljenih nije ni rekao da su duzni da sprece tucu i pogibiju Milana, ili nekog drugog osnovca, a oni rade iskljucivo po zadatku. Setimo se “ciscenja terena” izvan Srbije (zbog cega su nam i uveli sankcije i bombardovali nas), prebijanja demonstranata na mitinzima, likvidiranja Milosevicevih saradnika koji su se osilili (Baza, Kundak,..), ubistva premijera na vratima Vlade itd. Jednostavno receno, specijalci “rade na dugme”, kada ih ukljucis.Kada procitate clanak: “Osumnjiceni liseni slobode” na sajtu Bor 030 (zvanicni Veb Portal grada Bora) i oba moja komentara, bice vam jasno o cemu se radi, posto su neki mediji ogranicili duzinu komentara. Problem je mnogo veci. I da zatvore “Moncu”, naci ce “nasi biznismeni” novu lokaciju, ili otvoriti jos veci klub. Biznis je biznis, a direktna “kolateralna steta” je onako usput. Sto se indirektne “kolateralne stete” tice, o tome pise u komentarima.Boza Bogdanovic, BorDRUGI KOMENTAR (Studio B): Pavle:Momak za ovakvu klevetu da je srece krivicno bi odgovarao.To je pod jedan. Pod dva ako si ikada bio ili video diskoteku shvatio bi da je taj ugao markiran i ukoliko ne prodjes pored njega ne postoji nacin da vidis sta se desava upravo zbog tog “zida” trscanog ispred lokala. Ako je obezbedjenje izjavilo da se sve odigralo brzo i da se nije moglo reagovati ne znam cemu sluze ovakvi komentari koji sire mrznju i nista ne pokazuju. Inace interventna nije specijalna jedinica,a ako je srece ubrzo ces biti pozvan da obrazlozis svoje navode.Slažem se : 1 – Ne slažem se : 0TRECI KOMENTAR (Studio B): Boza Bogdanovic:Prozvan sam direktno u prethodnom komentaru, pa cu odgovoriti. Navedeni komentar sam objavio u sledecim medijima: Politika, S media, Bor Info, Bor 030, RT Vojvodina, Studio B, Press, Danas. Procitali su ga u jos nekoliko medija (RTS, B92, Vecernje novosti itd.), ali ga nisu objavili, bar do sada. Podseticu Vas da je Bor 030 zvanicni Veb Portal grada Bora, a u njemu su objavili nekoliko mojih komentara na ovu temu. Te komentare su procitali hiljade Borana, desetine hiljada ostalih gradjana sirom Srbije i sveta, mnogi SUP-ovci iz cele Srbije, a samo Vi spominjete krivicnu prijavu?! Mogao bih na pola strane da navedem sve pretnje, zato sto sam objavio nekoliko stotina strana o Organizovanom kriminalu u domacim i stranim medijima (vidi na Google: Boza Bogdanovic Bor), uvek se potpisujuci punim imenom. Otrovali su mi psa, maltretirali i suprugu i mene na poslu itd. Mogu me prebiti, ubiti, ili zapaliti kucu, ali me NE SMEJU uhapsiti, i svi moji neprijatelji to odlicno znaju.G. Petre, te zveri u ljudskom obliku su brutalno prebijali osnovca citavih 10-ak minuta, dok ga nisu u najvecim mukama ubili. Nekoliko stotina njegovih vrsnjaka (mnogi od njih pijani ili drogirani, a to je valjda protivzakonito, osim ako Vi nemate neko drugo misljenje), to su mirno posmatrali, a niko od njih nije mobilnim telefonom pozvao Hitnu pomoc (koja se nalazi na nepunih 200 metara od Monce), niti je opomenuo prisutne policajce iz Interventne policije da reaguju?! Uzas, a Vi ne pisete o tome, vec o meni?! Sram Vas bilo. Oba ova komentara poslacu u bar nekoliko medija, da Vama, ili nekome iz Vaseg okruzenja, ne padne nesto na pamet.Boza Bogdanovic, dipl. ing u penziji iz opljackanog, otrovanog i ozracenog Bora

oh i'm catching up on all i missed today, gotta love a friday off work! Janis, you tip off artist you!!!! thanks for the heads up on a new Nuba location. i had no idea they branched out to include the fab Waldorf. and yes those chairs are such a swoon! i've been many times to their old, old Hastings location and then love the newer below ground one. now i'm totally craving a deluxe toasted : )and those bird seed bagels are a trip hey? what a cute idea. really like the burn you did on those photos. great spring usherment! ♥

oh i'm catching up on all i missed today, gotta love a friday off work! Janis, you tip off artist you!!!! thanks for the heads up on a new Nuba location. i had no idea they branched out to include the fab Waldorf. and yes those chairs are such a swoon! i've been many times to their old, old Hastings location and then love the newer below ground one. now i'm totally craving a deluxe toasted : )and those bird seed bagels are a trip hey? what a cute idea. really like the burn you did on those photos. great spring usherment! ♥

Hey there. I noticed your blog title, Radio Stars | Onyx Bar & Grill does not relaly reflect the content of your web-site. When writing your blog title, do you believe it's most beneficial to write it for Search engine optimization or for your readers? This is one thing I've been struggling with due to the fact I want good search rankings but at the same time I want the best quality for my visitors.

As an addon to my last post, the only way I won’t be upset with PIUPRO is:1. The stepcharts are ITG quality, NOT PIU quality. Stepcharts like Dignity Crazy and Love Is A Danger Zone Crazy are absolutely retarded. Dignity had stupid triples and the retarded M run. LIADZ had this huge run that was pretty much impossible to do without double stepping like an idiot. If they are human like ITG’s, I’ll be very satisified.2. Regardless of my “Pump should be combo, not PA” comment, if the timing system is changed so the timing window is tighter, I’ll be happy. The PIU timing windows were HUGE.3. Pump had better music than DDR, but ITG blew both of them out of the water by miles. If some great ITG-like music is in PIUPRO, I’ll be happy. It seems like anything but the Banya channel was retarded. K-pop and pop for the loss.

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