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sembra ke le kritike siano state cvstruttioe x konamida questi screen sembra k si possa angolare finalmente il tiro!!!!!!!quello k aveva rovinato questo fantastico gioco era proprio quelloarrivavi davanti al portiere e muovendo il nunchuk segnavi1 p troppo facile x ki dopo 1 azione spettacolare ,grazi eai controlli wii ,invece di tirare nel 7 segna il portere cn 1 tiro rasoterraSPERIAMO BENE tsu78 28 Settembre 2008 alle 6:52 #20 puntipi che le critiche in generale,credo abbiano pagato molto i sondaggi che ha fatto konami sui vari siti (ad uno ho anche partecipato),comunque la grafica migliorata,speriamo abbiano registrato anche effetti secondari come gli spalti dello stadio e sopratutto abbiano messo l editor di squadre e giocatori(che importante per la longevit del prodotto),comunque quest anno sar un bella lotta me vado a ved vale rossi v :p orlando9164 28 Settembre 2008 alle 19:33 #30 puntibene: non solo miglioramento del tiro a quanto sembra, ma anche delle gestione difensiva che ora sembra davvero interessante e della grafica che mi pare molot ma molto pi nitida e definita Murak 28 Settembre 2008 alle 21:46 #40 puntisbaglio o la grafica non da ps2? Tails92 28 Settembre 2008 alle 22:37 #50 puntiesattamente, allora non sembra solo a me nettamente migliorata SIETE SICURI KE SN SCREEN X LA VERS WII???????SKERZO X FORTUNA KE NN FANNO PORTING DA FIFA 2007 X PS2 CM EA ADESSO VADO DA QUELLI DELLA KONAMI E LI BACIO LA FRONTE .. metaforicamente parlando ovviamente

sembra ke le kritike siano state cvstruttioe x konamida questi screen sembra k si possa angolare finalmente il tiro!!!!!!!quello k aveva rovinato questo fantastico gioco era proprio quelloarrivavi davanti al portiere e muovendo il nunchuk segnavi1 p troppo facile x ki dopo 1 azione spettacolare ,grazi eai controlli wii ,invece di tirare nel 7 segna il portere cn 1 tiro rasoterraSPERIAMO BENE tsu78 28 Settembre 2008 alle 6:52 #20 puntipi che le critiche in generale,credo abbiano pagato molto i sondaggi che ha fatto konami sui vari siti (ad uno ho anche partecipato),comunque la grafica migliorata,speriamo abbiano registrato anche effetti secondari come gli spalti dello stadio e sopratutto abbiano messo l editor di squadre e giocatori(che importante per la longevit del prodotto),comunque quest anno sar un bella lotta me vado a ved vale rossi v :p orlando9164 28 Settembre 2008 alle 19:33 #30 puntibene: non solo miglioramento del tiro a quanto sembra, ma anche delle gestione difensiva che ora sembra davvero interessante e della grafica che mi pare molot ma molto pi nitida e definita Murak 28 Settembre 2008 alle 21:46 #40 puntisbaglio o la grafica non da ps2? Tails92 28 Settembre 2008 alle 22:37 #50 puntiesattamente, allora non sembra solo a me nettamente migliorata SIETE SICURI KE SN SCREEN X LA VERS WII???????SKERZO X FORTUNA KE NN FANNO PORTING DA FIFA 2007 X PS2 CM EA ADESSO VADO DA QUELLI DELLA KONAMI E LI BACIO LA FRONTE .. metaforicamente parlando ovviamente

Parenthetical Citation: (Act. Scene.line-line). If there is no Act or Scene, simply put l.25 for one line or ll.25-34 for sreveal lines The parenthetical (2.3.32-42) goes after the end quotation marks. You put the period of the sentence after the parenthetical Use a back slash, spaced on both sides to separate lines from each other If what you are quoting contains uncommon punctuation, that punctuation belongs inside the quote, and you MUST add another punctuation mark at the end of the close parenthesis to close the sentence The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is truly a sad story, Prince puts it best in the last line of the play stating that “For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” (5.3.334-335). Capulet expresses his rage in saying “Out thee baggage!” (5.3.26). When Shakespeare states in his Prologue to Romeo and Juliet “Two households, both alike in dignity / In fair Verona, where we lay our scene” (ll.1-2), he is…… REMEMBER THAT QUOTES THAT ARE LESS THAN 4 LINES LONG NEED TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE TEXT!!!! 4 lines of typing!!! Not 4 lines of poetry in book!

Parenthetical Citation: (Act. Scene.line-line). If there is no Act or Scene, simply put l.25 for one line or ll.25-34 for sreveal lines The parenthetical (2.3.32-42) goes after the end quotation marks. You put the period of the sentence after the parenthetical Use a back slash, spaced on both sides to separate lines from each other If what you are quoting contains uncommon punctuation, that punctuation belongs inside the quote, and you MUST add another punctuation mark at the end of the close parenthesis to close the sentence The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is truly a sad story, Prince puts it best in the last line of the play stating that “For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” (5.3.334-335). Capulet expresses his rage in saying “Out thee baggage!” (5.3.26). When Shakespeare states in his Prologue to Romeo and Juliet “Two households, both alike in dignity / In fair Verona, where we lay our scene” (ll.1-2), he is…… REMEMBER THAT QUOTES THAT ARE LESS THAN 4 LINES LONG NEED TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE TEXT!!!! 4 lines of typing!!! Not 4 lines of poetry in book!

YES, this is true!!This class action suit has not been setteled yet and it will not pay anybody enough to go out and buy that boat they have had their eye on!!!The settlement, which still awaits final review in federal court, would cover some 160 million consumers in the United States. It’s thought to be the largest number of class action plaintiffs ever included in a single case. Consumers would get either six months of basic credit reporting services — which normally retails for $59.75 — plus a cash payment. Or they could choose nine months of enhanced service, which includes a mortgage rate simulator and an insurance score.Hope this answers your question.

YES, this is true!!This class action suit has not been setteled yet and it will not pay anybody enough to go out and buy that boat they have had their eye on!!!The settlement, which still awaits final review in federal court, would cover some 160 million consumers in the United States. It’s thought to be the largest number of class action plaintiffs ever included in a single case. Consumers would get either six months of basic credit reporting services — which normally retails for $59.75 — plus a cash payment. Or they could choose nine months of enhanced service, which includes a mortgage rate simulator and an insurance score.Hope this answers your question.

學者:健保改革 漠視預防重於治療自由時報 2010.12.06〔記者王昶閔/台北報導〕研究指出,台灣南部人比北部人短命,死於癌症、心血管疾病、意外事故的風險也較高,全民健保開辦後,台灣南北健康差距與平均餘命差距不但沒有減少,反而不斷擴大。學者指出,台灣醫療政策長年偏重醫療、漠視預防與公衛層面,是主要原因之一。台灣公共衛生促進協會昨舉行民間公共衛生論壇。公衛學者指出,健保總額中投注於預防保健的比例低得可憐,只有一%,在二代健保的政策辯論中,更完全漠視預防勝於治療的重要觀念,使健保淪為「只保醫療、不保健康」。台灣公衛促進協會理事長、成大公衛所教授陳美霞提出,預防勝於治療已淪為口號,因健保制度過於偏重治標的醫療、漠視前端預防,若不改善,健保將難以永續經營。據成大研究,一九七一年到二○○六年間,南台灣民眾死於意外事故與癌症、心血管疾病、肺炎等重大疾病的機率,不但始終比北台灣高,平均餘命也是南不如北,且差距持續拉大;東台灣與北台灣的健康差距更嚴重。以癌症為例,南部人死於癌症的機率,一九七一年時還比北部人少十%,卻一路攀升,到二○○六年時已比北部人高二十五%;而一九九五年到二○○七年間,南部人的平均餘命從比北部人少兩歲,進一步拉大到二.五歲。醫療改革基金會執行長劉梅君表示,健保支付制度引導醫院以利潤為導向的弊端,使醫療支出持續成長,民眾卻未能更健康,下階段改革須思考強化公衛角色。國防醫學大學通識中心助理教授王實之指出,政府應遏止醫療的市場化與商品化,並加強對民眾的公衛教育。衛生署長楊志良則回應,目前健保支付制度讓醫院靠疾病賺錢,把病治好反而沒錢賺,衛生署明年起將試辦「論人計酬」支付制度,讓幫助病人更健康、少看病的醫院也能賺到錢,若成功將推行全國。◆ 瀕死患者仍用葉克膜 拖垮健保【張翠芬/台北報導】2010-12-06 中國時報《全民健康保險法》修正草案(簡稱二代健保法)本周三讀,醫界疾呼:「正視無效醫療這個健保大漏洞」,六、七成加護病房末期病患死亡當天還在抽血、照X光;已簽署放棄心肺復甦術急救的患者甚至洗腎、用葉克膜維生。這些都是可減少的「無效醫療」資源支出,而轉用於拯救更多需住加護病房患者。一向敢言的台大創傷醫學部主任柯文哲說,太多人占用加護病房昂貴的醫療資源,健保局二○○四年統計發現,當年每人全年醫療支出平均一萬八一八八元,但當年一名住院重症病患死亡前六個月平均花費達廿五萬四二五九元,等於半年花掉一般人十四年的醫療費。柯文哲表示,國外愈來愈重視「無效醫療(Futile)」問題,拉丁文原意是「用篩子撈水」,徒勞無功。最近監委黃煌雄找他訪談,他特別點明,「無效醫療」正是現行健保大漏洞。例如葉克膜體外維生系統(見左圖,資料照片/台大醫院提供),一年給付耗材就上億元,還不包括藥物、醫師等人事成本。近年大力推動不施行心肺復甦術(DNR,do not resuscitate)的台大神經外科醫師黃勝堅表示,台灣一年有三、四萬人在加護病房往生,一個自然病程五天會死亡的病人,可以「加工」延長到四十五天,甚至更久。為了維持病人心跳,要動用各種醫療器材、針劑和點滴,經常短短幾天就腫得變形,連家屬都認不得。黃勝堅說,六、七成在加護病房的末期病人,死亡當天還在抽血、照X光,四成在使用第三線抗生素,三成洗腎,八%使用葉克膜。但這些例行常規醫療對臨終病患一點意義都沒有!根據美國研究,臨終病人不使用呼吸器等維生設備,加護病房每床每天可減少一萬美金的醫療支出。黃勝堅無奈的說,即使瀕死病人已多重器官衰竭,仍有家屬不肯放棄,甚至動輒揚言要告,醫生只好「做給家屬看」,耗掉龐大資源。他估計,如果難以回天的病人家屬願意縮短一兩天加護病房住院,可讓需要住進加護病房的六、七千人多了救命機會。台灣重症死亡率比國外低,醫界曾為此沾沾自喜,其實這是醫師的「英雄主義」,拚命運用各種高科技搶救重症。雖成功救回很多生命,但也留下不少植物人,當家庭陷入困境,家屬往往抱怨:「早知道會這樣拖磨,就不該硬救下來受苦!」◆ 簽DNR 安詳走完人生【張翠芬/台北報導】2010-12-06 中國時報當疾病已進入末期,選擇安寧緩和醫療、不施行心肺復甦術的DNR,以拒絕不必要的插管、電擊與強心針等急救,或捐贈器官、遺愛人間,這是病患的權利,醫院也有義務告知。推廣DNR(Do Not Resuscitate)多年的台大神經外科醫師黃勝堅表示,簽了DNR並不代表被放棄治療,而是強調「有希望,拚命救;沒希望,拚安詳往生」,千萬不要在人生最後階段讓病人受盡折磨,最後導致病人含恨而終,家屬悔恨交加。要簽署預立醫囑放棄急救,一般民眾可在健康或輕病時,自行簽署《預立選擇安寧緩和醫療意願書》,表格可在各大醫院索取,或上台灣安寧照護協會網站下載填寫後,寄至台北縣淡水鎮民生路45號,由協會註記在健保IC卡內。如果未預立意願書,在罹患重病時,可交代家屬或親友代為簽署同意書;病人意識昏迷時,可由最親近的親屬出具DNR同意書代替。◆ 歐洲中醫 將面臨無中藥可用記者鄭惠元/綜合報導 2010/12/06 旺報中藥是中華民族擁有數千年曆史的文化瑰寶,傳到歐洲也有數百年。但到2011年4月1日,中藥在歐洲卻將遭遇全軍覆滅的情況。據比利時國際醫藥中心董事長林國明說,「情況十分危急!」截至目前,還沒有一例中藥在歐盟正式註冊成功。這表示,從明年4月1日開始,在歐洲行醫的中醫將面臨無中藥可用的窘境。2004 年3月31日,歐盟頒布了《傳統植物藥註冊程式指令》,規定在歐盟市場銷售的所有植物藥必須按規定註冊,得到上市許可後才能繼續銷售。同時,該指令規定了 7年過渡期,允許以草藥產品以食品等形式銷售至2011年3月31日。目前,歐盟市場的中草藥大多以食品、保健品、植物藥原料或農產品的形式流通。但7年的過渡期即將結束,仍無中藥在歐盟仍正式成功註冊。得有30年藥用歷史據歐盟的規定,傳統草藥「在申請日之前至少已有30年的藥用歷史,其中包括在歐盟內至少已有15年的使用歷史」,但林國明表示,要證明產品在歐盟市場具有15年使用歷史很難。他說,一些在中國藥典記載超過15年、不含毒性藥材、現仍然廣泛應用的經典中成藥,如六味地黃丸、烏雞白鳳丸等,早在1995年之前就已經進入歐盟市場。但就連同仁堂這樣的百年老店,也難以提供在歐盟各國市場具有15年使用歷史的證明。高額費用讓企業卻步其次是高額費用讓許多企業望而卻步。據報導,一家企業的中藥如果按照該規定註冊,註冊費大約需要80萬元(人民幣,下同),要通過歐盟GMP認證,生產設備等硬體投資需要400萬元以上,而培訓、專家指導等軟體投資還需要400萬元左右。儘管如此,一些大陸的企業仍在努力中,爭取在7年過渡期結束前能夠將產品註冊成功。據悉,目前四川成都的地奧心血康膠囊、廣藥集團奇星藥業及蘭州佛慈岷山牌濃縮當歸丸都在積極爭取,但能否在2011年3月31日之前得到認證,仍是未知之數。對此,林國明表示,他在歐洲走南闖北,行醫已達20年。他說,「面對如此嚴峻的前景,當務之急是群策群力,共同應對難題。」

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